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Patriots arise!
Be Loyal, strong, and true;
And lift your colors to the sky,
The red, the white, and the blue.
Your sons and daughters stand
With pride throughout the land.
Hail Alma Mater!
John Marshall High
Fight on you Patriots
Win for Marshall tonight,
Score up a victory
Charge with all your might
Fight on you Patriots
for our red, white, and blue
Go Marshall all the way,
We're all for you.

John Marshall High School
Alumni Association
Indianapolis, Indiana
Go Patriots!
The graduating class of 1969 was the first graduating class from John Marshall.
They spent their Freshman and sophomore years at Arlington High School and
transferred to Marshall for their Junior and Senior Years
John Marshall Middle School is changing to John Marshall Community High School effective July 2008.
For the 2008-2009 school year, John Marshall will serve students in grades 7 - 9. As a result, we have slightly
increased the number of students we propose to serve.
The Chartwell program is designed to provide in-school alternative education for identified students who have
not complied academically, are struggling to remain on grade level, and would benefit from alternative instruction.
The primary mission of the program is to bring students who have not passed necessary state or district assessments,
who have failing grades, or who are significantly behind academically back to level of peers.
Students are placed in the program following assessments in reading, language arts and math.
Depending on the assessments, students may be in a two-hour math and/or language arts/reading program each day
for a semester to one year. The double period of language arts/reading instruction or math follows the curriculum
but utilizes a variety of instructional materials and may include A+LS computerized curriculum for additional instruction,
reinforcement of classroom instruction, standards mastery, or basic practice.
Adaptive assessments are also available on A+LS to determine depth of learning gaps and/or the extent of a student's
content knowledge. Alternative instructional strategies are utilized in both the math and language arts instructional periods.
With an emphasis on individualized instruction, teachers also integrate computer-assisted instruction, small group
instruction and cooperative learning when appropriate. When necessary, students are also provided with behavioral
management techniques to help them learn and maintain appropriate behavior. After school tutoring is available.
In addition, students also participate in a conflict resolution class addressing anger management and related behavioral
issues. Social skills, behavior modification, organizational skills, tutoring and service learning projects are integrated
into the academic blocks. When not participating in the Chartwell Program, students are returned to the traditional classroom
for instruction in science, social studies and electives. It is the goal of the Chartwell program that students will accelerate
out of the program and into the traditional middle school program within the school year.
Ninth grade students who have failed to comply academically can also receive extended assistance through the alternative
program. They participate in 2 hour sessions for math and/or language arts/reading each day. The emphasis is on benchmark,
mastery, skill application and includes computer-assisted instruction. Alternative instructional strategies are used such as
field trips, guest speakers, integration of character education curriculum, real world problem solving etc. In addition, students
participate in GQE and ISTEP preparation sessions. The Alternative Program also includes an advisory component where
teachers provide direction in goal setting and planning for graduation. Social and behavioral issues are also discussed.
This provides nontraditional students with opportunities for interaction with caring adults and mentors. Advisory also
functions as a setting for defusing potential student conflicts.
The Pre-Nine program provides an opportunity for over age eighth grade students or students who are repeating eighth
grade to accelerate their transition to ninth grade. Students attend the program in lieu of specials for a two-hour period
during the day with two hours after school. The setting is a self-contained classroom, providing privacy as well as creating
an opportunity for highly individualized instruction and intense skill development. The goal of the program is for the student
to enter the alternative high school at the end of the semester.
This is accomplished by the student mastering the standards in language arts and math at the 80% mastery level.
They must also complete with a passing average any additional math or language arts assignments given by the teacher.
Career Specialists from IPS Career and Technology School meet with the students to provide them with opportunities for job
shadowing and career explorations.
JMHS information

John Marshall Community High School 10101 E 38th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46235-1999 (317) 693-5460
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