Please select your Class
Patriots arise!
Be Loyal, strong, and true;
And lift your colors to the sky,
The red, the white, and the blue.
Your sons and daughters stand
With pride throughout the land.
Hail Alma Mater!
John Marshall High
Fight on you Patriots
Win for Marshall tonight,
Score up a victory
Charge with all your might
Fight on you Patriots
for our red, white, and blue
Go Marshall all the way,
We're all for you.

John Marshall High School
Alumni Association
Indianapolis, Indiana
Go Patriots!
The John Marshall Alumni Association Board meets at:
Dear John's Pub. 7941 East 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219,
on the first Friday of each month at 7pm.
All alumni from all classes are welcome.
September 23-25, 2016
Class of 1986 30 Year Class Reunion
Friday, September 23, 2016 5:00-7:00pm
Homecoming Tailgate Party- Arlington High School
Saturday, September 24, 2016 7:00-11:00pm
Dinner and Dancing - Willow on the Westfield Event Center 6729 Westfield Blvd.
Sunday, September 25, 2016 11:00 am
Brunch- Aristocrat Pub and Restaurant in Broad Ripple 5212 N. College Ave.
Class of '85, and '87 are welcome to attend!!!
Contact: Mary Luster Grider
Saturday, July 30, 2016 7PM - 12AM
Class of 1981 35 Year Class Reunion
1981 Mingle 7PM - 8PM...........All classes welcome! 8PM - 12AM
Knights of Columbus, 4432 N German Church Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46235
$5 - at the door Admission.............Bring $$$ for 50/50 drawing
Contact: Christina White
Saturday, June 25, 2016 6:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Class of 1976 40 Year Class Reunion
Maple Creek Golf and Country Club, 10501 E 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN
Facebook: John Marshall High School - Class Of 1976
July 18, 2015
Class of 1970 45 Year Reunion
David and Judy Harvey have joined the growing list of special guests
Contact: Stan Martin jmhs.classof1970
June 27th, 2015
Class of 1985 30 Year Reunion
Class of 1985 30 Year High Reunion. June 27th, 2015. 7pm at Lattitude 360, 4016 E. 82nd st. Indianapolis, IN 46250
$50.00 per person. Please contact Melanie Rector Gray or under Melanie Rector Gray by private message. Thanks and hope to see everyone there.
June 6th, 2015
Class of 1975 40 Year Reunion
Contact Debbie Browning Mounce or Larry Carmen on Facebook for information
July 19, 2014
The class of 1969 is working on their 45th Reunion
Saturday, July 19, 2014 7:00p - 11:00p
Knights of Columbus, 4332 German Church Road, Indianapolis, IN 46235
If your have not sent in your reservation and money please do so.
The committee has been working very hard at finalizing plans and we would like
to get a final head count.
If you have any questions, please contact a committee member.
Cindy (Bill) Mills, Alice (Johnson) Huff, Barbara (Dennis) Shumaker,
Loretta and Bob Spriestersbach, Ron Cole, Mike Moore, or Kim Linn
or contact Cindy (Bill) Mills 317-442-3131
Your contact person is Cindy Mills
March 1, 2014
Memory Night In honor of Fallen Patriots Event
Event Hostess: Ange Salazar Martin, class of 1975
Dear John's Pub, 7941 E 30th St, Indianapolis, no cover charge, from 5:00 pm til closing
Event to honor and remember those Marshall Alumni whom have passed on before us.
Band starts at 8pm and playing that night is REDUX (members are Marshall grads)
Event is posted on FaceBook Events
all classes are welcome
January 24, 2014
The class of 1973 is working on a get together
Class of 1973 to have a social get together on Friday, January 24th 2014 at the
Marriott around 6:30ish if the weather permits,
and if other classes want to come that's great....
Your contact person is Jamie Haverstick Fields
December 5, 2013 @ 7pm
As alumni of John Marshall Community High School, I thought you would like
to know that on Thursday December 5, 2013 at 7pm,
the Asante Children's Theatre will present its Holiday Concert and Food Drive
to support Gleaners Food Bank. 2 non-perishable food items/person is the
admission price. Members from the JMCHS Choir and Voices of Worship from
the University of Indianapolis will also be featured. I thought your group might
want to partner with us. Contact me: email above or call 317-652-3727 Thank you!
Your contact person is Keesha Dixon
Saturday, October 5, 2013
2013 Homecoming
Marshall will have it's Homecoming football game this Saturday, Oct. 5 at 3 p.m.
We had a pretty good crowd last year - hope to see you all at the game!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
3rd Annual Christmas Party
Sponsored by the class of 1979, ALL classes welcome
Knights of Columbus on German Church
from 7:00 to midnight
cost: $10.00
Your contact person is Elaine Houck Snapp
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The class of 1973 is working on their 40th Reunion
Please contact Jamie Fields with any address or other information changes
May 2013
Bringing back the JMHS golf outing
I would like to bring back the JMHS golf outing. It was started in
1990 by Don Rowe (77)then myself for a couple of years then Jack Edwards,
Wes Gentry then Cindi Kelly. The hope is to play in late May 2013 if not
then in September, with the grand idea of twice a year May and September. This
is a all Alumni event if you are a player or just want to help or come out to visit.
If you have a team great or you will be paired with someone.I need name,
address phone #. Do not assume we have your info or anyone elses we need
them all.This started out with just 12 teams of 4 and ended with 24 teams.
I hope to hear from our Alumni it is a great way to see old friends
Thank you in advance.
Please contact Mike Rodman with any address or other information
Your contact person is Mike Rodman
Saturday, September 29, 2012
JMHS Sock Hop for All Alumni classes
At 550 S. Audubon Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46217.
Bring your own socks, put fresh tennis balls on your walker, and bulk up on the
Geritol a couple days before. The Hall has a clean tile floor so leave your golf carts
outside with the scooters and hogs. We're going to kick up our heels and dance the
afternoon away! We'll have the paddles warmed up just in case - and no - they aren't
a substitute for "Blue Rockets".
Come as you are (usually the guys) or dress up in PROM clothes (usually the ladies).
It won't change the fat, bald, gray, wrinkles or make you look like your graduation picture,
but it's fun to watch you classmates try. College Students today think that '69 was in the
Dark Ages. When I tell them we invented 8 track tapes they just have a blank stare.
We have reserved the place and time. Now we need some volunteers to get this all together.
Your contact person is Lloyd Louks
JMHS Faculty loses Science Teacher Virginia "Jinny" Esten
Died on August 27, 2012 at the age of 87. Jinny was a teacher of biology and outdoor
education for over 40 years. Graduating Magna cum Laude from Butler University,
she later was granted a Master's Degree from the University of Michigan. Jinny
graduated from two leadership training programs at the American Youth Foundation
Camp Miniwanca, latter becoming an instructor, counselor, and class mentor.
She was well-known as an ornithologist and a camping professional. Jinny helped
introduce and maintain the outdoor phase of biology wherever she taught. Exploring
six continents to study birds, flora, and other fauna, she continually enriched her life
and those of her students. As a military historian, she enjoyed engaging in war games
with the military miniature figures from her extensive hand-painted collection.
With this background, Jinny served as chairman of the Uninform
Section of the National Button Society. Since 1935, Jinny has served in many leadership
capacities as a member of Camp Fire, Inc. (formerly Camp Fire Girls) including Camp
director and president of the Board of Directors. She was a member of the Indiana
Academy of Science, Company of Military Historians, Great Lakes War-gamers
Coalition, and the National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture.
She was a life-long member of the Indiana Audubon Society. Contributions may be
made in her name to the Indiana Audubon Society, Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary or to the
National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture (NCGLNAC).
She is survived by her companion, Sharon A. Kidwell, and her dear friends,
Judy Lorenz Tisdale, Carole Notaras, and their daughters.
A Memorial Open House will be held on October 7, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
at 5475 N. Capital Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46208 (317-257-3833).
Friends may leave a message of condolence by visiting: .
Obituary |
Saturday, August 11, 2012
JMHS Class of 1982 30 Year Reunion - All classes welcome
Hilton Indlps North at 8181 N Shadeland
Price $50 singles/$80 Couples price includes Dancing/Dinner and Program.
Money Orders/Checks to JMHS Class of 82, P.O. Box 233 Indpls, IN 46206
Your contact person is Ray Quinn 317-441-5359
Saturday, August 10, 2012
JMHS Class of 1982 30 Year Reunion Mixer
Champs, Indianapolis, IN
Your contact person is Ray Quinn 317-441-5359
JMHS Faculty loses Band director Stephen W Humphreys
Band director Steven Humphreys passed away early this AM 7-24-12.
7/29 posting. Steve has been cremated in Florida and there will be a
memorial or celebration of life service on Saturday, August 25, 2012,
in Indianapolis, IN, at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church at 8320 East 10th Street
(between Franklin and Post), with a Eulogy by Stan Martin. He has a niche in the
columbarium there where most of his ashes will be placed. The service will be
held at 2:00 p.m. with visitation at 1:00 and after the service, also.
His obituary and details of this will be in the Indianapolis Star shortly
before August 25th.
Friday Oct 14, 2011 at 6:00 - 12:00 pm
at Rick and Kim Hartman's Property. Pendleton, IN
1st Annual JMHS Fall Bash, Sponsored by the class of 1979
Open to all JMHS alumni
Volleyball, Corn hole, Horsedhoes, picnic, and we're trying for a petanque court too
Bring your camper, tents, golf carts, 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, all the outdoor toys and
spend the weekend!
There's a picnic shelter the guys have constructed on 12 acres with a pole barn
Come enjoy the comraderie!
Contact Wanda Foster Kucinich on Facebook for more information
Thursday Oct 6, 2011 at 7:00 - 9:00pm
at John Marshall Community High School.
JMCHS Homecoming
Since JMCHS does not currently have a football team we will be
celebrating HOMECOMING with a volleyball game at 7pm
Come a bit early to mingle with fellow alumni prior to the game
Everyone is invited
Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 7:00pm
JMHS Class of 1976 35 Year Reunion

Dear John's Pub. 7941 East 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219, (317)898-9373
For more information and updates please visit
facebook: Karen Bouchonnet May
email: Karen Bouchonnet May
Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 6:00pm
JMHS Class of 1981 30 Year and All Class Reunion
We have PLENTY of room at the reunion for any class that would like to attend!!
For more information and updates please visit
facebook: Christina Marie White
Patriots on Parade Revisited, an Alumni Association fund raiser
Thank you to all who attended and Particiated in our "Patriot's on Parade"
hog roast and fundraiser. SPECIAL Thanks to Rhett Coles for helping organize
and host, the bands "Redux" and "Graffitti", Vince McClurg (Elvince), and
Bob Spriestersbach for performing, Mike Moore for hosting the hog roast, Ron Cole
for his security help, Jeff Lang for doing the silent auction, and Christina White
for her assistance. A big thank you to John and Diane Henry for allowing us to
use their Pub, "Dear John's"!! We raised $670.00 for our scholarship fund!
Not bad for a first time out!
Thanks to everyone who came by, we enjoyed seeing you all,
and can't wait for the next time!
You can still donate by clicking the button in the right column.
Saturday, June 25, 2011 6:00pm = midnight
Patriots on Parade Revisited, an Alumni Association fund raiser
Dear John's Pub. 7941 East 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219, (317)898-9373
All classes welcome!! for Food, Drinks, Games, Raffles, and Entertainment
1pm-2pm, Corn Hole Tournament
3pm $20 Hog Roast Dinners Served
4pm Talent Shows Begins
9pm Inside Band Begins
June 2, 2011, Noon registration: 1 PM Shotgun Start
Indianapolis Public Schools Annual Golf Scramble
Winding Ridge Golf Course: 56th and German Church Road
Cost: $50.00 per player. Includes greens fees, cart, awards, and dinner.
Saturday, February 26, 2011 from 9:00pm - 11:00pm
The "HOOD/JMHS" Reunion
Location: Dear Johns Pub
30th and Franklin Road
Thursday, February 24, 2011 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
JMCHS vs Crispus Attucks Basketball game !!
1st Annual Roger Schroder Night
Location: John Marshall (Community) High School
Jr. Varsity Game at 6pm
Varsity Game 8ish!
click here for MORE
Friday, January 7, 2011 6:00pm - 9:00pm
JMCHS vs Arlington Basketball game !!
Location: John Marshall (Community) High School
Jr. Varsity Game at 6pm
Varsity Game 8ish!
January 2011
January is National Mentoring Month; You are encouraged to volunteer
read more
Dec 18, 2010 7PM - Midnight
Where: Knights of Columbus
4332 N. German Church
Indianapolis, IN 46235 USA
Nov 29, 2010
The Athletic Department will be hosting a Feeder school night on 12/17 when we play Irvington HS.
Do you think the Alumni would like to assist with a Spaghetti dinner?
Our Feeder schools are 88,93,94,99, 103, and 105.
I will be sending out the invites to the Principals on Monday 12/6, so if the Alumni organization is
interested I would love to add you to the invitations, flyers and announcements.
Thanks again for helping us make Alumni night a success.
Angie Peterson, M.Ed.
Director of Athletics
John Marshall Community High School
NOV 29, 2010
Thanks so much for accepting our invitation to participate.
The John Marshall Community High School (JMCHS) community is
proud to keep the legacy alive. The success of our student/athletes
depends on the help of the Association, community, staff and students.
No man/woman is an island, therefore we welcome you with open arms
and look forward to a long collaborative relationship.
I would be glad to come to your January meeting just let me know when
and where and I am there.
January 7th will be a big game against Arlington and we would love to have
as many alumni present as possible. Our student athletes thrive on enthusiasm.
I am sure that the alumni association, students and staff will provide the type
of electric spark we need to motivate our athletes to greatness.
Win or lose we want YOU in the house, after all, who's house is
it..........................."OUR HOUSE" and we refuse to let anyone come in and take
over Patriot City. Thank you again for caring enough to show up and proving to the
community that alumni is more than a word, it is a commitment.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Angie Peterson, M.Ed.
Director of Athletics
John Marshall Community High School
Wednesday November 24th, 2010 5:30pm - 9:00pm
John Marshall vs. Anderson. Basketball game is celebrating all alumni from JMHS.
There will be a reception before the game around 5:00 or 5:30. Game at 6pm at JMHS.
We need as many alumni as possible to attend. We are trying to let everyone know
about the JMHS Alumni Association and the press will be at this game.
Please come help support our school. Thanks.
Saturday, May 6, 2010 7:05pm - 11:05pm
Gather your classmates and meet @ Peppers! All classes welcome!
JMHS Alumni Get Together!
All classes welcome.
Location: Peppers
(Fort Ben - E. 56th Street)
Posted by Cindy Roberts.
The all new John Marshall Alumni Association website.
Please enjoy and participate.
We are looking for memorabilia, photos and stories to share
especially commencement programs for your graduation day
send copies to
Please send us yours!

John Marshall Community High School 10101 E 38th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46235-1999 (317) 693-5460
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